hello,ladies and gentialman boys and girls,wellcom to the Dick disco party now
This is DJXX and xunmai888 take this house music just now. Are you ready to the dance?
listen to my music,Come on baby follow me
let"s enjoye first part ,Pop (popular) music of the two thousand one, here, you can have the freash ideas of the dancing music,come on and lets"join the creasy time now !
now,relax yourselvies,come on and do after me raise your hands and move it,do it fellow the music, shake your heads
hip your feet and scream. come on ,loudly!hey,baby i cant hear you,can you make a little bit louder.it"s our free time.be relex(放松). i know you can do it.www.xunmai888.com 麦词
ok, let"s have a break,it"s the best time for your guys,with your girlfriend or maybe with your boyfirend. after this,your guys can have the second crease disco party time.